Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,

We are pleased to release as Our Gift to You for February ACTS - Book Two, The Church Scattered dealing with chapters 8 -12. The apostles receive and obey Christ's command to "Be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth" (Acts 1:8). These eight teachings describe their witness "in all Judea and Samaria." They tell what happened and why.

Click here if you missed ACTS - Book One, The Church Established covering chapters 1-7 and their witness "in Jerusalem." These 13 teachings describe what happened and how.

More good news! Our web site traffic report for 2002 shows that last year we had 46,378 visits from people in 155 countries. They downloaded 17,812 copies of our teachings, online books and other resources. Over 2000 People in Ministry and Ministry Motivated Lay People visit us regularly making what one of our visitors calls "the world's largest Homiletics Class."

Blessings and lots of them!


Dr. John Allan Lavender
Founder and Chairman
Project Winsome International